Saturday 8 September 2018

Rainy days

What too do on a gloomy rainy Saturday?
Watch You Tube videos and crochet?
Its almost time for fall here in Canada.
So I feel like knitting or doing some needle point.  So I know that colder days are coming. Summer will soon be wnding down. Im thinking about Christmas projects for gifts.   But before we move into that I like too tell about the journal covers I 've been creating with napkins layers and my mixture of elmers glue all and a bit of
water. I also add a bit of acrylic polyurethane too give a bit of shine and durability. The covers turned out awesome with a top coat between each layer with polyurethane. It gave the back of the napkins a soft leather like feel. With my last coat of polyurethane you rop it with the pretty part of the napkins or it can be painted.   I love this technique.  However im not the first person to xome up with this.
Katrine Hanson is the first person i saw do this and then i found a few others doing it too.   It turns out pretty cool and you can use napkins or tissue papers.  Book pager,music,pages the possibilities are endless. Use brown crumpled craft paper in ln layers and see where this takes you.
Ok now lets see what you do with this idea!

Thank you for reading my blog and please share what you create id love too seer it!